Tuesday 29 March 2022

March 29 - Resistors in Series and Parrallel

 Today in class we did the following:

  • Entrance Quiz Question Homework Check
  • Border guards demonstration (thanks to our volunteers!)
  • Resistors in series and parallel teacher-led laboratory [Worksheet] [Answer Key]

For Homework, you need to...
  • Begin reviewing for the test Monday, no new content will be added until then
  • If possible, bring in a device such as a tablet or a laptop for our research-based mini-inquiry project tomorrow.

Monday 28 March 2022

March 28 - Solving Ohm's Law using the G.U.E.S.S. problem-solving framework

  Today in class we did the following:

  • Get to know our new seat partners with a brainstorming activity
  • Finished watching Ohm's Law video from BC Hydro [Link]
  • Learned how to use the G.U.E.S.S. problem-solving framework
  • Practiced using Ohm's Law to solve problems [Worksheet][Key]
  • Extra Practice [Worksheet] [Key]
  • Reviewed using Ohm's Law and answered class questions

For Homework, you need to...
  • Complete Solving Ohm's Law worksheet

Friday 11 March 2022

March 11 - Voltage, Current, and Resistance Metaphors

 Today in class we ...

  • Wrote the Current Midpoint Assessment
  • Worked on reading Voltmeters and Ammeters worksheets
  • Created our own metaphors for Current, Voltage, and Resistance
Here are the amazing drawings I was able to snap a photo of (The skits were amazing too):

Thursday 10 March 2022

March 10 Block 6

  Today in class we did the following:

For Homework, you need to...
  • Prepare for the Quiz on Friday (see below this post for overview and study materials)
  • Look at our Resistor Values compared with our roughly 330 Ohm resistor

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Review Quizlet

 Here is a Quizlet that might help you review Voltage, Current, and Resistance:


Additionally here are the key parts of a circuit you should know:

Friday's Quiz Overview

  •  The test on Friday will take the following format:

    • 10 matching questions (5 points)
    • 3 Multiple Choice Questions (3 points)
    • 2 True or Correct the false questions (If it is false, write “F” and rewrite the statement to make it true) (2 points)

    The content will cover:
    • Parts of a circuit and circuit symbols
    • Open Circuit vs Closed Circuit
    • Resistance
      • Definition
      • Units
      • Measuring device
    •  Voltage
      • Definition
      • Units
      • Measuring device
    • Current
      • Definition
      • Units
      • Measuring device

BLOCK 7 March 9 - Voltage and Resistance

  Today in class we did the following:

For Homework, you need to...
  • Prepare for the Quiz on Friday
  • Complete the entire Voltage Laboratory including the graph and slope calculation
  • Look at our Resistor Values compared with our roughly 330 Ohm resistor

Tuesday 8 March 2022

March 8 - What is Current?

 Today in class we did the following:

  • Introduction to how we generate current
  • Slides on Current [slides] [Notes]
  • Current Laboratory [included as a part of the Notes file]
For Homework, you need to...
  • Relax and prepare yourself for our big lab day next class

Monday 7 March 2022

March 7 - Current Design Challenge

 Today in class we did the following:

  • Brainstorm How to make a flashlight
  • Simple Circuit Design Challenge
For Homework, you need to...
  • Read pages 302-305 in the textbook
  • Complete CYU questions 1-7, 11, 12 from page 305

Friday 4 March 2022

Announcement For Next Class

Next class, on Monday, we will be having a creative design challenge. We will be building “flashlight like circuits” creativity encouraged. Think about what you want to make and what materials you might want to bring in addition to those provided by me. EVERYONE, please try to bring in a few batteries, try to bring one small enough to fit neatly into your project.


Some project ideas:

  • Flashlight
  • Battery tester
  • Christmas light tester
  • Light up greeting card
  • Other suggestions...?

February 4 - Test Day

 In class today we have a Static Electricity Quiz. Once you are finished the quiz please...

  1. Read the article: how to build a flashlight 
  2. Review the list of circuit components on textbook page 536
  3. Draw a diagram of a working flashlight using the symbols on page 536.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Solution manuals

 Your class constructed solution manuals can be found at the following link: 


February 2/3 - Review Class

 Today in class we did the following:

For Homework, you need to...
  • Review today's practice questions for the Quiz
  • You may also wish to use the Quizlet to review


I want to take the time to say thank you to each and every one of you for giving me the opportunity to teach you this semester. It has been ...