Monday 28 February 2022

Static Electricity Study Quizlet Link

March 1 - Electric Force

 Today in class we did the following:

  • Demonstrated electric force with ballons
  • Introduced calculations of electric force [worksheet] [answer key]
  • Worked on homework

  • Add 3-5 additional terms to the dictionary assignment a total of around 20 should be ready for next class!!! We will be sharing them with our partners so please have them ready!!!
  • Electric Force worksheet

February 28 - Conductors, and Insulators

 Today in class we did the following:

  1. Conductor and Insulator confetti activity
  2. Pith Ball Activity
  3. CYU 9.3 p. 284 (ALL)
  1. Add 3-5 additional terms to the dictionary assignment a total of around 20 should be ready for Wednesday/Thursday depending on when your class is.
  2. CYU 9.3 p. 284 (ALL)

For more information see section 9.3 in the textbook or Physics Classroom

Wednesday 23 February 2022

February 23 & 24, 2022 - Introduction to Friction, Conduction, and Induction (and Q=Ne)

Today in class we covered the following:

  1. Confetti Levitation Activity
  2. PhET on charging [1] [2] [3]
  3. Electroscope Lab
  4. Q=Ne [Worksheet] [Answer key]
  5. Practice + Check for evidence **If I did not check your name off the list please see me in Monday flex with your 6-10 clues and terms**
  1. Add 3-5 terms from today's class to your dictionary assignment 
  2. CYU p. 281 ALL
  3. Finish practice problems from Q=Ne worksheet
*** ALL homework due Monday, enjoy your Pro-D day ***

Tuesday 22 February 2022

February 22, 2022 - Introduction to Static Electricity

 Today in class we covered the following:

  1. Introductions and Introducing me survey
  2. Tape Charging Activity
  3. Discussion on the Law of Electric Charges [slides]
  4. Expectations for Dictionary Assignment
  1. Pick your system (picture dictionary or crossword puzzle)
  2. Contribute your first 3-5 terms
  3. Obtain your evidence (DUE NEXT CLASS)
    • Evidence for picture dictionary will be the first 3-5 terms
    • Evidence for crossword puzzle will be a screenshot or photo of the assignment
Crossword puzzle link I demonstrated in class: 

Terrific to meet everyone!!

Friday 11 February 2022

Land Acknowledgement



Welcome to Mr. C's blog. I am so excited to get to work with you all these next few months. 

Important Information:

Bell Schedule: 


Room #26 (South building)

Supervisor: Mr. Walton: [Email] [Website]


BC Science Probe 9


This site will contain a recap of the material covered in each class as well as some study tips and tricks that are relevant to our course. 

This site is currently under construction. Kindly be patient with changes to content and layout in the coming weeks as we settle in. For now, check out the following:

Useful Links:

Burnaby North Website

Counselling Resources


How to Spot a Credible Source

Giving credit when work is not my own

Plagiarism and Cheating Policy

Our Core Competencies

Science Safety Manual

First Peoples Principles of Learning 


I want to take the time to say thank you to each and every one of you for giving me the opportunity to teach you this semester. It has been ...