Tuesday 22 February 2022

February 22, 2022 - Introduction to Static Electricity

 Today in class we covered the following:

  1. Introductions and Introducing me survey
  2. Tape Charging Activity
  3. Discussion on the Law of Electric Charges [slides]
  4. Expectations for Dictionary Assignment
  1. Pick your system (picture dictionary or crossword puzzle)
  2. Contribute your first 3-5 terms
  3. Obtain your evidence (DUE NEXT CLASS)
    • Evidence for picture dictionary will be the first 3-5 terms
    • Evidence for crossword puzzle will be a screenshot or photo of the assignment
Crossword puzzle link I demonstrated in class: https://www.puzzle-maker.com/crossword 

Terrific to meet everyone!!

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I want to take the time to say thank you to each and every one of you for giving me the opportunity to teach you this semester. It has been ...